Blod eller bläck – Vinyl


Blod eller bläck – Vinyl

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The Swedish-German duo Hansan is back with new songs after 2020’s acclaimed “Nattflykt”. The new album “Blod eller bläck” will be released on February 14th and will be preceded by three singles, “Sommarvisa” which was released in 2021, “Vårt långa land” which won the people’s vote in the category Contemporary Folk Music at the Folk and World Music Gala in 2021, but has not been officially released until now (16/1/2023), as well as the title track “Blod eller bläck” (30/1/2023).

Hansan has its roots in folk music and jazz, but on the new album they have developed towards more rhythmic arrangements as well as floating cinematic notes – all with just cello and vocals. It’s almost like you see the images in front of you when you listen to the songs ”Du är allt” and “Flyger”. At the same time, you can take a deep breath and rest in the soft jazz-pop tunes “Om vi inte” and “Sommarvisa”.

As we could already tell on the debut album, lyrics are an important part of Hansan’s music, and on the new album they once again return to socialrealist images about immigration and marginalisation in ”Vårt långa land”, the climate change debate in ”Vår värld” – which gives us a peek into a dystopian future, then to be woven together with songs rooted in the heart, about longing and love – perfectly catching the famous Swedish melancholy.

It is not an overstatement to say that there is no other band right now that sounds like Hansan.

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